Sheila Low

Sheila Low started her career in investment management before moving to unquoted investment within a venture capital company.
She also established her own business in her 20s which she grew and successfully sold some years later.
Sheila has also acted as a consultant within the Enterprise network encouraging business angel investment into start- ups and SMEs and had a senior role within a national firm of accountants in a corporate finance role. Current business interests include insurance and commercial property.
Sheila is the former vice chair of one of Scotland’s leading social care providers and has held many non-executive roles in diverse business sectors.
Originally from Ayrshire, Sheila now lives with her family in East Lothian.
Advisory Council Members
- Dr. Robert D. Kilgour
- Struan Stevenson
- Hugh Andrew
- Charlotte Black
- Colin Clark
- Ian M. P. Condie
- Cllr Barney Crockett
- Dr. Belinda Dickson OBE
- Ghill Donald
- Angelina Fairgrieve
- Gwyneth Fleming
- William Frame
- Professor Jim Gallagher CB
- Puneet Gupta
- Kevin Hague
- Fred Hallsworth
- Fergus Hardie
- Amanda Harvie
- Sandra Hill
- Dr. Azeem Ibrahim
- Ross Laurie
- Gordon Livingstone
- Sheila Low
- Professor Ronald MacDonald OBE
- Robin MacGeachy
- Elaine MacKenzie
- Kenneth MacKenzie
- Dr Richard J. Marsh
- David McKie (Legal Adviser)
- Sir Iain McMillan CBE FRSE
- Baroness Nosheena Mobarik CBE
- Brian Monteith
- Tim Morrison
- Pamela Nash MP
- Maureen O’Neill
- Jack Perry CBE
- John Quinn
- Cllr Dr Crawford Reid
- Kenneth R. Richards
- Ken Russell
- Katherine Sangster
- Tom Smith
- Keith Steele
- Guy Stenhouse
- Allan Stevenson
- Jamie Stewart
- Bill Toner
- Rt Hon Brian Wilson CBE
- Eben Wilson
- Archie Meikle
- Lionel Zetter
- Jon Fleming
- Hugh McNally
- Ian Paltiel
- Dr Poonam Gupta OBE
- Becky Lumsden CA
Views from the board
Scottish businesses have been too reluctant in the past to speak up about the possible implications of Scottish Independence. I believe we have a duty to find our voice in this debate, to help improve wider understanding of the likely economic implications of separating from our largest trading partner, the rest of the UK.
— Kevin Hague
The global reputation of Scotland’s asset management and insurance industry is something which we should be building on and actively encouraging new investment in – not creating huge disincentives and uncertainty that would come with another referendum on independence
— Sheila Low