Advisory Council member

Fred Hallsworth

Fred Hallsworth is a Scottish Chartered Accountant with a 30-year career in Professional Services where he held a number of senior management positions in Cambridge and Scotland. In the last 15 years he has sat on 14 Boards of Directors as an Independent Non-Executive Director.

His roles have included Non-Executive Chairman, Senior Independent Director, Audit Committee Chair, and Member of Remuneration and Nominations subcommittees of public and private companies. He is a former Non-Executive Director of Scottish Enterprise, and was a member of the Advisory Group formed to create the Scottish Investment Bank.

He currently sits on the Boards of four companies with operations in Scotland. In 2019 he was awarded The Strathclyde Medal by the University of Strathclyde for pro bono services rendered since 2013 in connection with its investments in its spin-out companies.

Views from the board